What Is Seinen Genre In Anime
Discover more seinen anime on myanimelist the largest online anime and manga database in the world.
What is seinen genre in anime. Seinen is a genre demographic that is aimed primarily at the male college aged young adult demographic. Seinen is a genre demographic that is aimed primarily at the male college aged young adult demographic. According to rumors he is a bloodthirsty and merciless monster but in reality staz is just an otaku obsessed with japanese culture and completely uninterested in human blood.
Seinen anime and manga tend to be a little bit more mature than it s counterpart shounen which is aimed at younger boys. In japanese the word seinen literally means youth but the term seinen manga is also used to describe the target audience of comics like weekly manga times and weekly manga goraku which catered specifically to men s interests and is marketed towards older teenage boys and adult men demographics. In anime seinen se.
We already know what the word means when a person uses it inside of an anime so now let s turn our attention to how the word applied in regard to the genres of anime. Trying to find seinen anime. Seinen manga 青年漫画 are manga marketed toward young adult men.
But most of it gets separated into different categories depending on what kind of a show it is.