What Is Sakuga Animation
Sakuga written as 作画 in japanese has a literal meaning of working drawing but generally is used to mean just animation i e.
What is sakuga animation. Watch an endless stream of beautiful anime and western animation clips and discover artists and shows you ve never seen before. Sakuga is all about spectacle it doesn t affect the story or even necessarily the overall quality of a show but it does provide the kind of amazing experience that we crave from anime. Sakugabooru a booru dedicated to sakuga videos and images.
Sakuga blog the art of japanese animation. It just refers to the animation. You might say that this is very abstract.
It s time to examine kyoto animation s present and future with an interview featuring their current creative leader and the up and coming star who looks up to her. Contact serving 83 837 posts running moebooru 5 0 0. Sakuga 作画 lit drawing pictures is a term used in anime to describe moments in a show or movie when the quality of the animation improves drastically typically for the sake of making a dramatic point or enlivening the action.
Naoko yamada and haruka fujita speak frankly about their beginning at. Practice read all you can about the subject more practice build up your portfolio find work in your nearest 2d animation studio or you can do freelance work in order to gain experience if you re looking to make it into a career. A labor of love by the pokemon generation.
What sakuga brings then is the possibility to go beyond simple analysis of the cinematography and a way to show what the animation and production brings that nothing else could. Going by the japanese meaning sakuga can refer to all animation drawings but the western fans use the word to describe good or standout animation. Read the description for more resources i talk a lot about sakuga animation on the channel so i wanted to make a clear definition of what i think it is.