Love Fantasy Anime
It is the story of a young girl named chise hatori who is auctioned off as a slave to elias a masked and cloaked man who is known to be a notorious magus.
Love fantasy anime. Share share tweet email. Of course there are plenty more aspects that go into a great fantasy romance anime but without enjoyable characters or a unique setting the anime becomes either a typical or boring tale of love. Fantasy romance anime list is a genre that is preferred by some anime lovers especially lovers of romance genre.
And in this list i m hoping to rank the best anime that lean more heavily into its fantasy roots. If you love beauty and the beast type stories the ancient magus bride and want a more recent fantasy anime 2017 or so this is a good pick. Fantasy and romance are a unique combination that continues to draw viewers as the genres are dependent on two things.
Anime fantasy shows vary a lot with many sub types to pick from. This genre is very popular because there are unique things in it like a fiction background with an unusual story as well as a love story between two characters that also makes the hearts and emotions of audience change. It makes for some of the most unique fantasy worlds you can possibly find with settings magic and creatures you d have a hard time describing it in one word.
We ve compiled this top 10 fantasy anime list by finding anime that have best managed to combined incredible stories with incredible places. 10 fantasy anime you ll love which aren t isekai sometimes you want to watch a series that doesn t have isekai elements. While this anime may not be.