Dark Shoujo Anime
This anime is unique amongst other shoujo anime for its plot and settings.
Dark shoujo anime. Because of this wide reach shoujo is a fairly popular genre particularly among those who enjoy romance. Shoujo is the counterpart of shounen a demographic aimed at boys and young men. Monster follows the perspective of up and coming surgeon kenzo tenma as he hunts down the ghost responsible for inexplicable murders.
The story involves characters who live on land and sea showing the differences and specialties of the protagonists. If you look for a very good romance shoujo genre is your cup of tea. There are actually good shoujo anime that are not packed with cliches and stereotypes but explore various subjects and themes that yes even girls do enjoy.
Hanime tv only supports modern secure browsers. As probably all of you already know the word shoujo means young lady and in japanese comics or anime shoujo is the name used in order to indicate that genre aimed at a young female audience. Even though many shoujo works are criticized for being unrealistic or two dimensional they are highly sought after and regularly adapted into anime and live action adaptations.
A surprisingly dark shoujo this award winning manga is the story of tooru honda a young orphan who gets adopted by the souma family. Shoujo 少女 translated as young woman is a demographic aimed at teenage girls. Now an orphan living in a tent she finds herself mixed up in the zodiac cursed drama of the sohma household discovering the off beat sort of love that both she and the boys of the clan so desperately need.
When nights start drawing in i feel like watching horror and melancholic stuff. Shoujo series can have a lot of sub genres such as action sci fi and so on but one thing is for sure. Shoujo anime tend to aim for a target audience of younger women often including romance as a large aspect of the show.
Founded in 2001 as the first anime manga recommendation database. Complete list of shoujo manga. The setting also changes from land to sea from time to time so it engages you more into the beauty of the animation and the anime overall.