Action Fantasy Adventure Anime
Contains adventure action magical based anime or anything similar to them.
Action fantasy adventure anime. When he and his brother alphonse try to resurrect their dead mother through the forbidden act of human transmutation edward loses his brother as well as two of his limbs. Daftar anime action fantasy terbaik merupakan sebuah anime dengan latar yang berasal dari imajinasi seseorang lalu mengekspresikan imajinasi tersebut ke dalam sebuah karya anime manga atau light novel sehingga menjadi sebuah karya fantasy dengan ide dan konsep cerita yang unik. Here s a list of the top 10 action fantasy anime series to help you escape from reality and dive into different worlds.
Setiap manusia memiliki imajinasi yang berbeda beda hal itu juga berlaku bagi sebuah anime. Excludes ova s may contain movies if they are epic. And lots of pirate stuff.
One piece could be considered more adventure than fantasy but it still mainly involves fantasy elements.